Dramatic Play Area

In our dramatic play area, we give children vast opportunities for creativity and role-playing.
Art Center

Our art center is the best place to learn and be creative. We focus on teaching the children their colors and to use imagination in their art work. We have our children paint, use playdough, draw, cut and paste for their project. We encourage them to grow with their ideas.
Reading Center

We believe in the importance of promoting education and skill development. That is why we have learning center theme in our daycare environment. Upon entering the daycare, you will find that we have divided our space into activity areas.
Block Center

In our block building area, children develop their problem-solving skills by trying to fit puzzle pieces where they go, stacking blocks, and observing different shapes, colors, and sizes.
Math/Science Center

Our Math/Science area gives children the chance to observe various objects from nature. Our fish tank, positioned in the corner of this area, amazes children as they observe how fish eat and move. It adds a touch of nature to this challenging area.
Motor Center

Our gross motor area gives children a chance to work their muscles and release some of their energy. In good weather, children are taken outside to the playground for lots of playtime and fun. In cold weather, children are taken to a bigger playroom where they can bounce and throw balls and enjoy their time.
Nursery Room
Our nursery room is designed with the comfort of our young and mobile infants in mind. At this age, infants need to feel safe, nurtured, and cared for. Cuddling and holding young children are a big part of what we do every day. We introduce infants to a variety of shapes and colors that encircle our world. We provide a variety of toys they can choose from. Our nursery room is full of places where mobile infants can roll, sit, crawl, pull up, and walk. As they try new things, our staff is always there to provide plenty of warm praise and encouragement.


Our playground is designed with the energy of our toddlers in mind. At this age, toddlers need to release all their energy. Running and playing is a big part of what they do every day. We introduce toddlers to playful activity that keeps them healthy. We provide a variety of toys they can choose from. As they play our, staff is always there to provide plenty of warm praise and encouragement.